Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Red Star video game goes to the iPhone and PSP!!!
The Red Star video game will be released on the iPhone and PSP at the end of March.
For the complete story and preview click here
Signed Copies of The Red Star Game are now on sale in The Red Store.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
The Red Star Holiday Collection Specials !!!
HAPPY HOLIDAYS to our Red Star readers!
We have two exciting specials to offer you this holiday season:
1. HOLIDAY SOFT COVER PACKAGE DEAL: all four soft cover tradepaperbacks ($100) -
2. HOLIDAY HARD COVER PACKAGE DEAL: all four hardcover trade paperbacks ($200) - NOT AVAILABLE IN STORES.
Both packages available now through January 4, 2010 atwww.theredstar.com . As always, each book comessigned by creator and artist, Christian Gossett.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
The Red Star PS2 game still going strong!!

Saturday, November 14, 2009
The Red Star
No, not the Eisner Award-nominated comic book by Christian Gossett, designer of Darth Maul's double-bladed lightsaber. Rather, I'm here to discuss the excellent PS2 game based on that comic.Released in 2007 after years of delays, The Red Star was to have been one of the last games by Acclaim. Acclaim went under in 2004 while the game was still in development--a shame because it would have been the company's finest title by far--but at least, three years later, players were able to enjoy the finished product courtesy of publisher XS Games. An inspired mash-up of side-scrolling beat 'em up, bullet hell shoot 'em up, and top-down multi-directional shooter, it is simply one of the best arcade-style action games I've ever played.
See full review at:
Look for new format releases is early 2010!!
For more details about the game, visit http://www.archangel-studios.com/game/
Signed Copies of The Red Star Game are now on sale in The Red Store.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Custom limited edition shoes released based on a unique design inspired by the groundbreaking art style of the graphic novel
Inspired by The Red Star™, one of the most critically acclaimed independent graphic novels of the decade, Saucony® introduces the Jazz Lo Pro - Red Star sneakers, only 800 pairs created world-wide. And like the characters that inhabit the world of The Red Star™, these shoes are more than they appear to be. Flexible and lightweight, yet full of style, these limited edition shoes will be on sale from Team Red Star at Booth #3513 or buy them online at zappos.com.
For press release visit: press release
Signed Copies of The Red Star Game are now on sale in The Red Store.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Red Star: Sword of Lies wins the IPPY GOLD MEDAL!!!

The Red Star: Sword of Lies has won the gold medal at the 13th annual Independent Publisher Book Awards!!!
May 21, 2009 – New York, NY – Organizers of the 13th annual Independent Publisher Book Awards, conducted to honor the year's best independently published books, have announced the results for the 2009 competition.
While much of the world economy is in a slump, books and reading are gaining ground on more expensive forms of entertainment, and the annual list of “IPPY” award winners represents the kind of alternative viewpoints today’s readers crave.
This year’s awards attracted 4,090 entries from throughout the U.S. and Canada, plus most English-speaking countries worldwide. Medal-winning books came from 44 U.S. states plus the District of Columbia, eight Canadian provinces, and six countries overseas. Launched in 1996 as the first unaffiliated awards program open exclusively to independent, university, and self-published titles, the 2009 IPPY Awards will be presented to winners at a gala celebration during BookExpo America in New York on Friday, May 29th.
The IPPY Awards are presented by IndependentPublisher.com, the online “voice of independent publishing” operated by publishing services firm Jenkins Group of Traverse City, Michigan. The annual IPPY Awards celebration on Friday night during BookExpo America is a highlight of the weekend and publishing media are welcome to attend.
Graphic Novel/Drawn Book – Drama/Documentary
Gold: The Red Star: Sword of Lies, by Christian Gossett (Archangel Studios)
Silver: Hatter M: The Looking Glass Wars, by Frank Beddor with Liz Cavalier (Automatic Pictures Publishing)
Bronze (tie): Macbeth: The Graphic Novel, script adaptation by John McDonald, art by Jon Haward (Classical Comics Ltd.) and Good and Evil, by Michael Pearl (No Greater Joy Ministries, Inc.)
For complete results, visit http://www.independentpublisher.com/article.php?page=1298
Signed Copies of The Red Star: Sword of Lies are now on sale in The Red Store.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Добро пожаловать (Welcome), comrades! As Jim highlighted in last week’s “This Week in Co-Op,” sometimes a great co-op experience can be found lurking in the catalog of last gen’s titles. So this past weekend I dusted off my copy of one such co-op title that was overlooked when it was released, The Red Star, and decided to give it a run through. With my partner in tow, we stepped into an alternate Russia where two soldiers seek to put an end to a corrupt government being lead by a mystical, and evil, sorcerer known as Troika.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Red Star - NOW AVAILABLE on the iPhone and Google Android!!

Team Red Star is pleased to announce its release of the adaptation of The Red Star to the iPhone and Google Android. The Red Star #1 and The Red Star #2 are currently available.
If you have an iPhone, iPod touch or Google Android, please download, rate and review The Red Star #1. Simply search for "The Red Star" on the iPhone or Google Android.
The Red Star #3 will be available soon!
Team Red Star
Signed Copies of The Red Star Game are now on sale in The Red Store.